Body Care

When Dyeing Hair Becomes Dangerous!

Whendying hairis harmful?

You have probably heard that dyeing hair duringpregnancyor under certain conditions is dangerous and can lead to many side effects. Not only should you avoid dyeing your hair during this period, but also when your hair is changing or your scalp is not feeling well, you should refrain from dyeing. In this section of the world of fashion SelmaDerma we have listed symptoms that indicate you should avoid dyeing your hair.

Dyeing hair when experiencingallergiesis forbidden

If your hair is sensitive to dye and you experience excessive itching orhair lossand pain when dyeing, you should stop. Sometimes, dyeing can cause scalp redness, burning, and sometimes swelling.

Many people are sensitive to a chemical used in hair dye called P-phenylenediamine (PPDA), which is responsible for permanent hair color. All permanent hair dyes contain PPDA, but semi-permanent and washout dyes do not.

Dyeing hair

Dyeing dry and brittle hair is forbidden

Excessive dyeing can cause hair to become dry and brittle. Hair fiber has a layer called the cuticle, and dyeing or washing the hair can damage this layer, leading to frizzy, dry, and brittle hair. If you continue to dye already damaged hair, it can cause severe hair loss and damage.

Dyeing hair when it has become lighter is forbidden

If your hair has turned white and the roots have shifted from honey gold to gray-blonde and platinum white, it’s time to stop dyeing. Instead of lightening your hair more to mask the silver roots, stop dyeing altogether and let your hair return to its natural color.

During fever

Dyeing hair whenhaving a coldis forbidden

When ill, the body dedicates nutrients and energy to white blood cells and affected organs to fight off germs and viruses. Therefore, due to a decrease in nutrients, temporary hair loss can occur. It’s best to avoid coloring your hair during this time and let the temporary hair loss resolve, so the roots regain their strength.Dyeing hair during a fever is forbiddenHigh body temperature can have short-term detrimental effects on hair and make roots weak, so do not dye your hair when you have a fever. Doctors even suggest avoiding excessive combing when you have a fever as it applies pressure on weak roots. During illness and fever, hair can become greasier due to increased sweating, causing hair loss, so maintain cleanliness during sickness.

Dyeing hair during


Dyeing hair

is forbiddenThe scalp can absorb chemicals from hair dye and introduce them into the bloodstream. Pregnant women are advised to avoid chemical dyes, especially in the first trimester, as this crucial time is when the fetus is developing andthe fetus

is very sensitive and vulnerable.Special Recommendations to Reduce Hair Dye RisksRead the hair dye instructions thoroughly.

Use gloves when applying hair dye.

  • Do not exceed the recommended time for dyeing your hair, and be sure to wash your scalp thoroughly with water after the prescribed duration.
  • Before using hair dye, test a small amount on your hand, and if no allergic reaction occurs, use it on your hair.
  • Dye your hair less frequently.
  • Try to adopt healthy habits for hair care.
  • Use rich conditioners containing natural oils (such as
  • coconut oil
  • orargan oil) along with protective heat products and especially strengthening hair products.Dyeing hairDisadvantages of dyeing hair at certain times