Beauty and Makeup

Eyebrow Shaping and Grooming at Home for Men and Women

Eyebrow Grooming at HomeNo Need for a Barber

Eyebrows are one of the most important features of the face and greatly influence its beauty. You don’t need to go to a salon or spend a lot of money to shape your eyebrows; you can easily groom them at home. In this section of the fashion world,SelmaDermawe will introduce you to methods that allow you to shape your eyebrows quickly and easily at home.

Eyebrow Shaping

Simple and Feminine Eyebrow Grooming

For a feminine and simple eyebrow shaping, you don’t need to spend time in beauty salons. You can follow the methods below to groom your eyebrows at home.

1. Use a little gel and an eyebrow brush to comb your eyebrows upwards.

2. To know where to start shaping, take a pencil or ruler and draw a line from the edge of your nostril to the inner corner of your eye. Then, mark a line from the same nostril to the outer corner of that eye. This point is where your eyebrow should end.

3. Outline your eyebrows with a brow pencil in a color that matches your eyebrows. You can use eyebrow stencils to find the best arch for your brows. It’s important to shape both eyebrows equally, just outlining them without filling in.

4. Start at the end of one eyebrow and use tweezers to remove the extra hairs below the outline, following thegrowth directionof the hair. Clean up all the extra hairs to define your arch.

5. Using small eyebrow scissors, trim any long hairs after combing. Make sure the peak brow remains natural and isn’t cut. Comb the middle and outer parts down and trim, then comb the hairs up and shorten any excess. Cut any hairs above the straight line of your brows.

6. Do not cut the ends of your eyebrows to maintain a natural look.

Feminine Eyebrow Shaping

Consider the following points when shaping your eyebrows:

  • First, decide if you want your eyebrows to have a completely feminine look or if you want to shape them into a straight or angled style.
  • Sparse eyebrows often lack fullness at the peaks, so if your brow peaks are thin, don’t remove too much.
  • Do not use hard toothbrushes for combing eyebrows as this can cause hair loss.
  • Avoid plucking your eyebrows frequently as this can result in drooping eyelids and early sagging.
  • Do not shave your eyebrows during each plucking, as this will thicken the hairs, causing breakage and ingrown hairs.
  • Pluck your eyebrows in the direction they grow, and never pull hairs down with tweezers as this will result in uneven hair growth.

Simple Eyebrow Shaping

Special Tips for Men’s Eyebrow Grooming

For men, taking care of eyebrows to maintain a clean and tidy appearance is important, as long eyebrows can make you look older. Grooming your eyebrows is not difficult and men should follow these steps:

1. To groom your eyebrows, first, trim and shape the connecting hairs when they are wet.

2. Use a small comb to brush your eyebrows upwards.

3. Smaller brushes are better for eyebrow grooming as they help the hairs to lay nicely.

4. After brushing your eyebrows upwards, identify and trim any hairs that are longer than the rest using small scissors.

5. Do not use sewing scissors for trimming eyebrows.

6. Do not use razors for eyebrow shaping.

Men's Eyebrow Grooming

7. If you want your eyebrows to look neater, use tweezers to pluck extra hairs. Use the tweezers on the straight edge to pull hairs in the direction of growth to avoid breakage.

8. Do not make your eyebrows too thin, as this will create an unusual appearance, which is not recommended for men.

9. To soothe inflammation and reduce skin sensitivity after plucking, use creams containinghydrocortisoneaftercare.

10. After grooming your eyebrows with scissors and tweezers, it’s recommended to reshape them every few days.

11. Shape both eyebrows equally.

12. You can use eyebrow gel to make your eyebrows look more beautiful.