Beauty and Makeup

Stylish people don’t wear these clothing colors together.

Clothing colors that should not be matched together.

Understanding color theory and using colors correctly in your personal style greatly impacts your appearance. While clothing color choice is subjective and relates to individual personalities, it is essential to be careful when selecting clothing colors, as colors affect us and those around us. Always avoid some color combinations in your wardrobe.SelmaDermaWe’ll tell you which colors you should not wear together.

Brownand black

Brown is a popular color in the second half of the year, suitable for the cool atmosphere of autumn and winter. When matching this color with others, caution is advised. It’s best not to combine brown and black, as this combination won’t shine in your style.

Brown and black pairing

Gray and brown

Both brown and gray are neutral colors; pairing them can give a tired and dreary appearance. To maintain the impact of these two colors, use them alongside bright and warm shades.

Navy blue and black

Many people consider black a beautiful and reliable choice, but it does not match with all colors. Wearing a navy blue outfit with a black jacket may not look appealing. Instead, combine navy blue with silver for a vibrant and energetic look.

Navy and black matching

Red and green

Red represents love, life, excitement, and rebellion. The complementary color for red is green, and these colors contrast strongly, often combining easily. However, using these two colors in daily outfits is not a good choice.

Light green and pink

Green symbolizes nature and vitality but is not easy to match with every color. Combining pink and green is not a good choice for daily wear and may not look attractive.

Green and pink pairing

Green and orange

Green is quite popular in the fashion world, but when wearing green clothing, you need to pick suitable combinations. Green is a neutral color, positioned between warm and cool tones, so pairing it with warm colors like orange is not suitable, making the two shades clash.

Green and orange are very vibrant colors, and using them together can create a chaotic mix. Pair green and orange separately with cool and neutral shades like gray, brown, beige, and black.

Purple and yellow

Purple stands out when chosen, giving your style a unique flair. Purple and yellow contrast greatly, and yellow complements purple. Some may find this color combination appealing, but there are better colors to pair with purple.

Purple and yellow pairing

Black and yellow

Yellow is considered a secondary color. Those who like yellow clothing should know which colors go well together to create stylish outfits. Many see the combination of yellow and black as suitable, yet this pairing is not right for daily fashion.

Red with purple, orange, and pink

Red can have an orange or purple hue, and pairing these two different shades of red together can result in a disaster! The reason for this mismatch is that orange is a warm color, while purple belongs to the cool color category.

Red and orange pairing

Very important tips for matching clothing colors

  1. Using primary colors together is challenging and may not suit every outfit and style. Primary colors go well with neutral shades.
  2. Dark and base colors that are too close should not be worn together, as they do not create a good combination and may make you look older. Use base colors with bright and warm tones.
  3. Wearing outfits with complementary and contrasting colors is not always suitable and requires a specific boldness.
  4. Don’t pair light and similar colors like white and light cream, as they don’t create an appealing combination and offer a washed-out appearance. Pair white or cream with brown.
  5. In your style, never use more than three colors and utilize the third color only in details and accessories.