Body Care

How to Remove Eyebrow Tint and Shadow at Home

How are eyebrow tattoos and shading removed?

Eyebrows play a significant role in enhancing facial beauty. Many women try techniques like tattooing, shading, and microblading to make their eyebrows look fuller. However, not everyone is satisfied with the results, and some realize over time that they prefer natural eyebrows without tattoos or extra color. If you also find that after a while, your tattoos and shading don’t appeal to you like they did at first, and you want to remove them, continue reading this beauty section.SelmaDermato learn about methodsfor removing tattoos, shading, and more.

Methods for Permanently Removing Eyebrow Shading


Laser is one method for removing tattoos and eyebrow shading, and its effectiveness depends on the ink color used in the eyebrow shade; older inks can be harder to remove.

Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is a fast way to remove eyebrow shading. It is less painful than laser treatment, replacing the tattooed skin with new skin from the body.

Glycolic Acid

Removing eyebrow shadow with glycolic acid takes time because it exfoliates the skin gradually, eliminating dead skin cells over time. Ensure your skin is not sensitive to glycolic acid before using it.Intense Pulsed Light TherapyPulsed light therapy is fast and effective, known as IPL. It works similarly to laser light, typically used in tattoo removal centers, involving high-intensity light. During this process, a gel is applied to the tattooed area, exposing it to light pulses.

Removing Eyebrow Tattoos

Salabrasion Method

For home eyebrow shading removal, salabrasion is another method. In this technique, the tattooed area is scraped, and immediately after, a mixture of salt and water is applied, rubbing the area with a stick. This can be done every three days.

Eyebrow Removal Cream

Eyebrow tattoo and shadow removal creams have recently become available and make your task easier. You can use these creams to remove your eyebrow tattoos.


Salt is a great exfoliant, capable of cleansing multiple skin layers. To remove shading or tattoo, first, wet the area and sprinkle half a cup of salt on it. Using a warm sterile cloth, begin scrubbing the tattooed area. It’s better to use a sterilized cloth and food-grade salt for this method.

Aloe Vera Properties

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a natural remover for eyebrow tattoos and shading. To use this natural remedy, mix a tablespoon of fresh aloe vera gel with the contents of a vitamin E capsule to form a smooth paste.

Apply this paste on the shaded brow

and let it sit for 40 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water. For the fading of shading and tattoo, repeat this method daily.Another method for removing shading and tattoo using aloe vera is to mix 2 tablespoons each of aloe vera, salt,honeyandyogurt

in a bowl and apply it on the eyebrows for 30 minutes. Then rinse and massage with salt for another 30 minutes.

Lemon JuiceAnother home remedy for eyebrow shading and tattoo removal is using a mixture of lemon juice and salt. Lemon has natural bleaching properties that can lighten the shaded areas, and salt acts as a good abrasive that can penetrate deeply into the skin. Mix 100 grams of salt with the juice of one lemon and massage the mixture onto the shaded or tattooed areas, then wash the skin with warm water.HoneyA natural and simple way to remove eyebrow shading at home is by using honey. For this method,mix aloe vera gel, yogurt, salt, and honey well, then apply this mixture to the shaded area for 30 minutes and rinse with warm water.Sandalwood Powderand Ground Stone

Vitamin E Benefits

For removing shading and tattoos, mix sandalwood powder and ground stones with aloe vera gel to form a thick paste. Apply this mixture daily to the tattoo until it gradually fades away.

Apricot Scrub

and Salt

Create a natural scrub using apricot and salt. The apricot scrub removes pigment while the salt acts as an abrasive. This method can help fade parts of the tattoo, but complete removal of eyebrow shading may not be possible.Vitamin E and ApricotTo help remove shading and tattoo, mix apricot, vitamin E oil, and aloe vera gel. Apply the mixture with circular motions directly on your skin, let it sit for five minutes, and then wash your skin with cold water. Do this daily for a month.

Yogurt Benefits

Removing Eyebrow TattoosRemoving Eyebrow ShadingEyebrow Shadow Removal Cream

Home Method for Removing Eyebrow Tattoos

Aloe VeraHome Method for Eyebrow Tattoo RemovalHoney

Method for Removing Microblading with Honey

Methods for Tattoo Removal

Home Skin Exfoliation